Eden Valley Lumber - Showcase - April 2021

Dan and Connie Haag purchased Eden Valley Lumber on April 1st, 1990 - 31 Years ago from previous owner, Willard Holmquist! If you are in the neighborhood, pop in and wish them a Happy Anniversary while checking out everything they have to offer or planning your next DIY project! Eden Valley Lumber originally opened in 1918 in it's current location, next to the railroad tracks. Back in the day, most lumberyards were built next to railroad tracks for easy access to products arriving by rail. In those early times, not just lumber was delivered, but coal for heating was shoveled off the railroad cars at this location as well. The original coal building still stands behind Eden Valley Lumber's large warehouse south of the retail store. Check out the small gray building next time you are out sight-seeing! Fun fact - did you know that 22 trains currently pass through Eden Valley daily? Can you imagine if they all still stopped to drop supplies at the lumber yard!!!
When Dan and Connie purchased the lumber yard in 1990, it was much smaller than it is today. Over the years, a large warehouse was attached to the west side, another to the south of the store and an additional warehouse was added to the east, across State Street. A major remodel took place in 1995. It housed only 1 office at that time and currently has 5 offices making room for those responsible for management, drafting and planning services.

In the early days, their retail space was about 1/5th of their current indoor retail space. Eden Valley Lumber is a hardware store, a lumber and building supply retailer, and offers drafting and planning services for new homes, remodels, Ag buildings, pole sheds and small commercial buildings. If you weren't aware, they are a True Value Hardware store, and if you haven't visited them recently, you might not realize just how much they have to offer. Everything from potting soil and bird feeders to light bulbs, cleaning supplies, and of course - nuts and bolts (no kitchen sinks though!) In addition, I bet you didn't know that you can shop online at True Value Hardware (www.truevalue.com) and have your items shipped "freight free" to Eden Valley Lumber!
When asked to share their favorite memory of owning the lumber yard in Eden Valley, Dan and Connie shared that the most rewarding part of their business is how much they love seeing all the beautiful homes and businesses they help their customers build. They don't always get to see the finished product, but beautiful new homes or businesses being built in our area gives them great pride and pleasure. Often they see the plans and work with their customers on home improvement projects, but may not always to get to see the final results.

When asked if they had any advice for someone looking to start a business in Eden Valley, they shared this heartfelt message, "There is no better place to live than in a small town! To be able to concentrate on providing numerous services for our community, to continue to bring their business to you, helping to build a strong local community, helping Eden Valley continue to be a thriving small town."
In final comments from long-time business owners and supporters of our community, Dan and Connie want everyone to know how much they appreciate all the support and trust the community of Eden Valley has given them over the years.
Dan and Connie employ 8 - 10 employees, many having been there for several years. Apply in person if interested in employment with Eden Valley Lumber.
Eden Valley Lumber
183 State Street North
Eden Valley, MN 55329
Website: Eden Valley Lumber True Value Hardware
Hours of operation:
7a-5p Monday - Friday
8a - 12 Saturdays
Closed Sundays

****SHOP LOCAL!!****